Chez Mounier

It is not easy to find a good and typical restaurant in our city, the famous bouchons lyonnais. There are so many restaurants, and above all : tourist traps. One solution, you need a private guide in Lyon ! And we can tell you that we have tested many during our guided tours in the capital of french gastronomy.

So we don't think twice and we recommend honestly to go Chez Mounier ! Why ? Because there 4 features that define a good bouchon :

  • Affordable prices
  • Local products
  • Quality of the food (wines, offal...)
  • Warm ambiance without any fuss

Now you're going to tell me it's 4 features and not 3, but it's normal because in the bouchons, they serve a first communard (typical aperitif with red wine and blackcurrant liqueur), then you drink a red Beaujolais, then another Côte du Rhône…

Chez Mounier there is everything to spend an epic evening : you're close to other table and people you can talk with, you eat your fill a good lyonnais andouillette or tablier de sapeur , you can call the boss by his first name, the Saint Marcellin cheese is runny, desserts homemade, staff with strong character, like their dishes.

So farewell tourist traps in Vieux-Lyon, you'll find authenticity Chez Mounier and meet Chrystelle, Christine and Christophe !

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